Advanced Test-Driven Development Online Workshop


Our “Advanced Test-Driven Development” workshop is designed for software professionals looking to take their skills to the next level. This intensive program delves into cutting-edge techniques such as mutation testing, demonstrating how to breathe new life into legacy code through the practice of Test-Driven Development (TDD). Participants will gain a deep understanding of TDD metrics, enabling them to measure and optimize their development processes effectively. Additionally, we will explore strategies for overcoming the challenges of a test-last approach, equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools to implement TDD successfully in even the most complex development environments. By the end of this workshop, participants will be armed with the expertise needed to elevate their software development practices and drive excellence in their projects.

The workshop will be both theory + hands-on. Every topic covered will be explained with a hand-on coding example. Also, there will be 2 katas to practice all the topics covered in the workshop.


– The concepts of Structure and Behavior in Software Development
– Working with TDD in Legacy Code
– Schools of TDD (Classist and London School) and working with TDD in Layered architecture and Clean Architecture
– Test Automation Pyramid
– Mutation Testing
– Test commit revert (TCR)
– How to counter Test-last Approach
– TDD metrics (Mutation score, code coverage, test coverage, etc.)
– Software Coupling
– and many more!

Interested in the workshop?

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